
Warm Series

This series of collages pays tribute to the animating force of the hot spectrum.

Many cultures attribute powerful properties to warm colours. Garnets and rubies were believed to be health-giving. Chinese brides wear red to ward off evil. Ancient Roman children wore red coral talismans to protect them from disease. Clerics wear red and rose to denote spirituality and the joy and love of Christ.

All collages are approximately 42cm W X 30cm H and are mixed media on paper. Most are unframed.

Asterisk Elephants
Secret Words For Animals (Framed)
Red Moorish Arches
Brown Rabbit

“I am the flame above the beauty in the fields; I shine in the waters; I burn in the sun, the moon, and the stars." - Hildegard of Bingen.

Music Drums
Fierce Flow
Rose Chorale
Red Flowered Music
Manuscript Cadence (SOLD)
Flying Buttresses

“As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;" - Gerard Manley Hopkins.

City of Gold
Letter from Phillip
A King and a Child
Firelight Fairytale
Gift for a Golden Girl
Village Fair