
About Sally Colman

“Who knows why we create what we do – or how we do. The heart has surely gathered so many “bundles” along the way and it opens them up somehow, when we paint, when we write, and when we make music …"


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About Sally

Sally Colman is an Australian artist who works in collage, paint, print and mixed media, currently living in New Zealand. She aims to capture the random perfection most often seen in nature.

For Sally, colour and texture are the essence of beauty. She delights in the "small, simple ordinary and discarded". Sally wants her works to be alive, uplifting and joyful while expressing a deeper reality that is beneath the surface of things. She is happy when viewers "feel her work with their eyes".

Sally trained in Fine Arts at the University of Sydney and at the Sydney School of Colour and Design. She exhibits her work, which displays a variety of printing and painting techniques. She uses textured effects to make her work dance with rhythm and light, often in her trademark icon-like gold and pinks. The simplicity and purity of children's art, which she taught for a long time, is an ongoing inspiration.

Artist's Statement

A whole world of untouchable things – yet what we carry within us always manifests itself in some way.

The Sun! – Source of light, warmth, colour, life and joy. When I paint it is the desire to express these elements that seem to come forth. Colour becomes the tool, the theme, the plaything – tantalising – the work is not so much an intellectual process as a spontaneous one – pure expressions of delight…

Three things are behind my work:

  • The love of light, warmth, of the richness and exuberance of colour and the textured decorated surface.
  • The influence of many years of music study – hence perhaps a certain structure, rhythm, repetition of motifs, harmony in the work.
  • The impact of children’s art. Having taught art to very young children for many years, it is still a joy for me – an honour and a mystery for me to enter their pristine world.

View Sally's Current Work

Phillip Martin

To restore wonder.

To renew, to awaken, 

bring to light a wonder again –

to receive in a stillness, in a space,

a gift of wonder – to call wonder

into an untrodden land …

Call wonder into young hearts,

send wonder again into the world with wings –

To restore wonder.